Terms & Conditions

Cannabis Museum Amsterdam – City Markets Damrak BV
Damstraat 6 – 1012JM – Amsterdam
KvK number: 34216054
VAT number: NL81430494B01

Terms and Conditions for Visitors at Cannabis Museum Amsterdam


The Cannabis Museum Amsterdam hereinafter referred to as ‘CMA’, will do all that is reasonably possible to ensure that the visit to the museum and any exhibitions and activities organised by CMA meets with visitors’ expectations. CMA will exercise the utmost care with respect to visitors. CMA makes every effort to minimise any inconvenience or discomfort for the visitor and to guarantee the visitor’s safety to the maximum extent possible. CMA is happy to receive suggestions from visitors for improving its services. Visitors are offered the opportunity to submit their observations and/or suggestions on the third floor of the museum or send them in an email to info@cannabismuseum-amsterdam.com.

  1. General provisions: definitions

Article 1.1

‘CMA’ refers to the organisation that manages and operates the museum, including, but not limited to, the management and museum guides, as well as other officials who are authorised to act on behalf of this organisation.

Article 1.2

The term ‘the Museum’ refers to the entire area (built-on or vacant) situated in Amsterdam at Damstraat 6, which falls under the legal and administrative authority of the CMA management, including, but not limited to, exhibition and event spaces, shop, and other areas.

Article 1.3

The term ‘Visitor’ refers to any person who enters the Museum and/or visits an exhibition or is invited as a guest to attend an activity organised in the Museum by CMA or by third parties with CMA’s permission, including anyone entering the Museum in connection with renting the museum /or visiting the shop.

Article 1.4

From the time a Visitor enters the Museum, either as a paying visitor or as a guest, they are deemed to have entered into an agreement with CMA which is subject to the present Terms and Conditions for Visitors. The Terms and Conditions for Visitors also apply to special activities within or outside of the regular opening hours and/or are intended for persons other than regular Visitors, such as activities in relation to the renting of the museum, or a visit to the shop, etc. Deviations from these Terms and Conditions are only valid if they have been agreed on explicitly and in writing.

  1. Access to CMA

Article 2.1

Visitors are only entitled to enter the various floors at CMA on presentation of a valid admission ticket or email payment confirmation of the booking, in case of access as referred to in Articles 1.3 and 1.4, the Visitor may only enter via the designated entrances and pathways.

Article 2.2

Visitors will be barred further access to CMA if CMA finds any of the following to be true:

  1. a) The admission ticket has not been issued by CMA or by an agency or legal person authorised hereto by CMA
  2. b) The Visitor manifestly creates a disturbance or has an obvious intention of creating a disturbance
  3. c) The Visitor fails to behave in accordance with public order, public morality or rules of decency.

Article 2.3

Admission tickets may be purchased at the Ticket Desk or in advance online. Ticket office sales and Online ticket sales are valid for one year for the purchase date.

Article 2.4

CMA is entitled to adjust the regular opening hours in connection with occasional exercises performed in the context of in-house emergency services (Section 23 of the Working Conditions Act (Arbowet) or in case of a partial or complete evacuation of the building as deemed necessary by CMA in the event of an emergency.

Article 2.5

CMA reserves the right to subject every Visitor and their luggage to access control. As part of this control, the Visitor may be requested to cooperate in the search of bags and the like conducted by or on behalf of CMA employees. Any Visitor who refuses to cooperate in the search may be denied access to CMA and will not be entitled to a refund of the admission ticket.

Article 2.6

The following items (hereinafter referred to as ‘Prohibited Items’) may not be brought into CMA:

  1. Rifles, firearms, and guns: any object that can be used to shoot a projectile or cause injury or property damage or which appears to be capable of being used for this purpose
  2. Pointed and/or sharp weapons and sharp objects: objects with pointed or cutting edges that can cause injury or property damage
  3. Blunt objects that can cause injury
  4. Explosive and flammable substances
  5. Chemical and toxic substances.

Article 2.7

If, during the access control or later during the visit, CMA finds the Prohibited Items or any other items that may cause damage, CMA shall confiscate these items. If the Visitor does not wish to surrender the items liable for confiscation, they will be denied access to CMA and will not be entitled to a refund of the admission ticket. 

Article 2.8

Legally prohibited items found during access control will be handed over to the police. A Visitor with such items in their possession may be detained and handed over to the police.

Article 2.9

The Museum is located in a Historic Dutch Building, with exhibitions spread across different floors. CMA is committed to ensuring full accessibility to the maximum extent possible. Circumstances both inside and outside the building that may affect personal accessibility must be taken into account. Individual circumstances may have a significant influence on this.

  1. Ticket sales, offers, and prices

Article 3.1

All quotes, notifications or information otherwise provided by CMA in writing are, in principle, binding and CMA accepts liability for any errors made by the Museum in such quotes, notifications or other information provided to the Visitor. However, this liability only applies to the Museum’s own information material which is available at the Museum at the time of the claim or which has been distributed recently or on behalf of the Museum. CMA is not liable for errors caused by deliberate intent or incorrect and/or incomplete information provided by third parties.

Article 3.2

The Visitor is at all times obliged to show, on request, the admission ticket, online email confirmation of booking or any voucher or pass that entitles them to a discount on the admission price to Museum staff.

Article 3.3

The Visitor is not entitled to a refund of the admission price or any other compensation in the event of loss or theft of the admission ticket before entering the Museum. Failure to use a ticket purchased in advance is at the Visitor’s own risk and expense, as is the case if the admission ticket is only valid for a specific time and/or date. Once purchased, an admission ticket cannot be exchanged.

Article 3.4

Any obligation to refund the paid sums or payment of compensation by CMA to the Visitor is excluded under the following circumstances:

  1. In case one or more items from the permanent collection of CMA are unavailable for viewing
  2. Partial closure of CMA, including partial closure during the set-up or dismantling of exhibitions
  3. Adjustment of the regular opening hours in connection with exercises performed in the context of in-house emergency services or a complete or partial evacuation of CMA deemed necessary by CMA in the event of an emergency
  4. Nuisance or inconvenience caused by other Visitors such as noise, inappropriate behaviour or theft
  5. Damage caused by other Visitors
  6. Nuisance or inconvenience caused by maintenance works, including, but not limited to, the renovation, design or re-design of the rooms
  7. Nuisance or inconvenience due to the improper functioning of the facilities at CMA
  8. Denial of access to CMA.

Article 3.5

A potential Visitor may be denied access to the Museum if it turns out that the admission ticket, discount card or voucher has not been obtained via CMA or an agency authorised hereto by CMA.

Article 3.6

Admission tickets are strictly personal and non-transferable.

Article 3.7

A Museumkaart is currently not valid for entrance to CMA.

Article 3.8

CMA offers special reduced rates for educational visits.

Terms and conditions for the special rate for schools:

  • Schools are required to book in advance
  • Groups must be accompanied by a sufficient number of supervisors (one supervisor for every ten students)
  • Schools may visit CMA outside the official school holidays
  • A school visit lasts a maximum of 2 hours
  • Payment with a Museumkaart is not possible
  • A booking made in advance can be changed or canceled in writing up to seven days before the visit. 

Terms and conditions for the special rate for youth groups:

  • Youth groups are required to book in advance
  • Groups must be accompanied by a sufficient number of supervisors (one supervisor for every ten members)
  • A youth group visit lasts a maximum of 2 hours.
  1. During the visit

Article 4.1

During the visit to the Museum, the Visitor must behave in accordance with public order, public morality, and rules of decency applicable to the nature of the event being visited. The Visitor is forbidden to stay in or enter a section of the Museum other than that which the Visitor is permitted to visit with the admission ticket. The Visitor is also obliged to promptly follow any guidelines and instructions issued by CMA officials who are recognisable as such. If, in the reasonable opinion of a duly authorised CMA official, who must be recognisable as such, the Visitor acts in a manner that is in any way in breach of these standards, guidelines or instructions, the Visitor may be denied further access to the Museum, without them being entitled to a refund of the costs of the admission ticket or any other costs incurred.

Article 4.2

Children under the age of twelve may only visit the Museum when accompanied by an adult. Parents or supervisors of children are at all times responsible and accountable for the behaviour of the children accompanying them. Teachers and supervisors of groups are at all times responsible and accountable for the behaviour of group members supervised by them.

Article 4.3

At the Museum, Visitors are prohibited from:

  1. a) Offering goods of any nature whatsoever for sale or free of charge to third parties
  2. b) Blocking the free passage of Visitors or obstructing their view of exhibited items deliberately and for long periods of time
  3. c) Hindering other Visitors by, including, but not limited to, using mobile phones or other sources of noise nuisance; although the use of such equipment may be explicitly permitted by CMA in certain areas
  4. d) Taking pets or other animals with them, unless they are explicitly permitted in certain rooms or if they are guide dogs and are authorised to accompany a Visitor with an identification pass
  5. e) Smoking is not permitted in the Museum.
  6. f) Eating or drinking (non-alcoholic drinks) are permitted in the Museum.

Article 4.4

In special cases where the general safety of persons or the collection so requires, a CMA manager, who must be recognisable as such, may request access to the luggage/hand luggage carried by the Visitor. If deemed necessary, specially trained staff may request the Visitor to cooperate in a security search when entering or leaving the Museum. Before entering the Museum, the potential Visitor will be warned that such a measure is in effect.

Article 4.5

A camera system is operational at CMA. Visitors agree that recordings can be made of them. The camera images are retained for a maximum of ten days, in accordance with the GDPR. These camera images are made available to the police if CMA believes that there is reason hereto or if requested to do so by a competent authority. The rules for camera surveillance and use of the camera images are in accordance with the GDPR and are laid down in the Camera Surveillance Protocol (Protocol Camerabewaking).

Article 4.6

CMA strictly enforces copyright laws. Publishing or reproducing photos, videos and film recordings for commercial purposes based on the presentation and/or collection or parts thereof, in whatever manner and via whatever medium, including via electronic media, is prohibited without prior written permission from the CMA management.

Article 4.7

The Visitor is liable for any damage inflicted by them on CMA and the collection displayed there. 

Article 4.8

CMA regularly allows photo and video reports to be made at the Museum involving the Visitors, whether individually or in groups. This material may be used by CMA for publicity and marketing purposes, for example, on the website, and in brochures. By entering the Museum, the Visitor declares that they agree to the use of this material for these purposes. If the Visitor objects to such use of visual material on which they can be recognised, they may object to this. In that case, CMA will not or no longer use the material and will remove the stored material from its files or arrange that this is done. For visual material produced by third parties on the instructions of CMA, permission for such use is requested from the Visitor in advance by the producer of the visual material.

  1. Complaints

Article 5.1

CMA will do everything possible to ensure that the visit to the Museum or the exhibitions and activities organised by CMA takes place in accordance with the published offer. This also includes the obligation to inform the public as well as possible about the full, partial or early closure of the Museum and/or the exhibitions organised by CMA. In addition, CMA informs the potential public about any nuisance-causing maintenance works, renovations, or the design or re-design of rooms. Any right to compensation for the Visitor based on the above is excluded.

Article 5.2

Complaints are inadmissible in the following cases, as also mentioned in Article 3.4. These cases shall never give rise to any obligation on the part of CMA to pay damages to the Visitor:

  1. Complaints relating to items from CMA permanent collection that are not available for viewing
  2. Complaints relating to the Museum being partially closed, including, but not limited to, partial closure as a result of the set-up or dismantling of exhibitions
  3. Complaints and circumstances relating to nuisance or inconvenience caused by other Visitors, including, but not limited to, noise nuisance, inappropriate behaviour, theft, and wilful damage
  4. Complaints relating to nuisance or inconvenience caused by maintenance works, including, but not limited to, a renovation or the design or re-design of the rooms
  5. Complaints and circumstances relating to nuisance or inconvenience caused by the improper functioning of facilities at the Museum.

Article 5.3

Complaints about any Museum visit and claims for damages, including requests for a refund of the admission price, may be submitted in writing to CMA within six weeks after the visit or intended visit. Complaints and claims submitted after this period will not be processed.

Article 5.4

CMA investigates the complaint and sends a response in writing within thirty days of receipt. If the investigation has not yet been completed, the complainant will be informed of this as well as the time by which it is expected to be complete.

Article 5.5

The Visitor may submit complaints, claims, and suggestions for improvement in writing to info@cannabismuseum-amsterdam.com as well as communicate these in person at the CMA Ticket Office.

  1. Liability of the Museum

Article 6.1

The visit to the Museum is entirely at the risk and expense of the Visitor.

Article 6.2

CMA is only liable for property and/or consequential damage suffered by or injury inflicted on the Visitor that is directly and solely the result of deliberate intent or gross negligence on the part of CMA and/or its officers, on the understanding that the only type of damage that qualifies for compensation is that against which CMA is insured or should have been insured in accordance with the requirements of reasonableness and fairness and for the maximum amount applicable therein. CMA is not liable for the following:

  1. Damage as a result of actions by third parties, including persons engaged by CMA and lessees of the building/rooms in the building, and the persons engaged by these third parties
  2. Damage as a result of failure to follow instructions issued by CMA officers and non-compliance with generally applicable rules of decency
  3. Damage caused in any way by other Visitors
  4. Damage caused to Visitors’ vehicles.

Article 6.3

CMA is never liable for damage suffered by the Visitor that has arisen as a result of force majeure with respect to CMA. The term ‘force majeure’ is understood to mean any circumstance independent of the will of CMA – even though this could have been foreseen as possible when the agreement was concluded – that temporarily or permanently prevents the fulfillment of the agreement, as well as, and insofar as not yet included, war, violence of war, civil war, terrorism, uprisings, riots, action by the police and/or fire brigade, work strike, transport difficulties, fire and other serious disruptions within CMA organisation or in the building, weather conditions and, for whatever reason, non-functioning public transport.

  1. Liability of Visitors

Article 7.1

Visitors to the Museum are liable with respect to CMA for all direct and indirect damage caused by them, whether or not as a result of non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions for Visitors, and agree to indemnify CMA against claims from third parties in this regard.

Article 7.2

The original rightholder of the admission ticket is jointly responsible and jointly liable for damage caused by the holder of this admission ticket.

Article 7.3

Parents or supervisors of children are at all times responsible and liable for the behaviour of and damage caused by the minor children accompanying them. Teachers and supervisors of groups are, without prejudice to each person’s individual responsibility and liability, jointly responsible and jointly liable for the behaviour of and damage caused by the group members supervised by them, without prejudice to the liability of these group members themselves. The aforementioned parents, supervisors, teachers, etc. agree to indemnify CMA against any third-party claims in this regard.

Article 7.4

Organisations, companies, etc. who organise or arrange for meetings, manifestations, and/or parties in the Museum are at all times responsible and liable for the behaviour of and damage caused by the guests invited by them, without prejudice to the individual responsibility and liability of the guests themselves. The aforementioned organisations, companies, etc. agree to indemnify CMA against any third-party claims in this regard.

  1. Personal data

Article 8.1

CMA refers the Visitor to the privacy statement published on its website for information about the processing of personal data and, for example, the associated rights of the data subjects.

Article 8.2

Personal data of the Visitor is processed in accordance with the GDPR. In the context of the implementation of the agreement relating to the Museum visit, CMA processes the visitor data required for this particular purpose. If parts of the implementation are carried out by a third party and this involves the processing of personal data, a processing agreement is concluded with this third party. The personal data in question is retained for as long as legally required, based on the retention obligation for tax purposes, among other things.

CMA also processes the personal data of persons who are guilty of causing damage to the Museum or the collection as well as of those who violate the Terms and Conditions for Visitors. CMA maintains a file containing the data of Visitors who are on this list, so that they can be denied access to the Museum. This file is only used internally within the Museum and is not provided to third parties.

In addition, CMA processes the personal data of the complainants referred to in Article 5.3 of these Terms and Conditions or that of the persons referred to in Article 5.4. of these Terms and Conditions. This personal data will only be processed internally based on the relevant purpose, i.e. to answer and settle the complaint as satisfactorily as possible. The details regarding the complaint will only be retained for as long as necessary for the settlement of the complaint, claim or suggestion and any questions regarding this.

  1. Lost property

Article 9.1

Any lost property found by the Visitor in the Museum can be handed in at the Ticket Office or to an employee. 

Article 9.2

CMA ensures that lost and found items that are of some value (emotional or financial) are registered on iLost.nl, a database where people can locate their lost property. The items on iLost are stored by CMA for six months. If these items have not been claimed within this time, CMA hands them over to the City of Amsterdam or to a charity. CMA will send official documents such as driving licences, passports and ID cards directly to the Lost and Found Office of the City of Amsterdam. Personal public transport chip cards (OV-chipkaarten) are sent to the OV-chipkaart Customer Service. Debit cards, hotel cards, Museumkaarten and, for example, BankGiro Lottery VIP cards are stored by CMA for two weeks and are subsequently destroyed if the owner has not claimed these items by then. Low-value items such as water bottles, scarves, umbrellas, caps, etc. unclaimed by the owner within a week, are destroyed or donated to a charity.

Article 9.3

If the owner or person entitled to the lost property submits a claim for it, they may either collect the items personally or request them to be sent cash on delivery. In both cases, the owner or entitled person must provide proper identification.

  1. Applicable law

Article 10.1

The present Terms and Conditions for Visitors and the agreement between the Visitor and CMA are governed by Dutch law.

Article 10.2

All disputes arising from the agreement between the Visitor and CMA will be submitted to the competent court in Amsterdam.

  1. Final provision

Article 11

If one or more of the aforementioned Articles are or turn out to be legally invalid, the remaining provisions will remain in effect. In such cases, a new provision that is as similar as possible to the lapsed provision shall replace the lapsed provision.